Food Price Volatility

Agricultural and food price volatility is a common challenge for all members of the international community. While African governments have developed their own policy responses (in particular the setting-up of a Regional Food Reserve), Africa’s voice also needs to be heard more strongly and be more systematically represented in global debates and fora such as the G20.

This thematic dossier provides key information on the current stakes and about ongoing initiatives in reponse to these challenges.

african voice

Africa's voice must be heard

Agricultural and food price volatility is a common challenge for all members of the international community. While African governments have developed their own policy responses, Africa’s voice also needs to be heard more strongly and be more systematically represented in global debates and fora such as the G20.


More investment in agriculture

Higher food prices need to benefit African agricultural producers. More investment in agriculture is needed. Despite enormous agricultural potential, many African countries are significant net food importers.


Transparency and functionning of markets

Improved transparency and better access to information on global commodity markets would contribute to reduce the risks of excessive price volatility. Good information will help reduce price volatility.