Hausa is today spoken throughout Northern Nigeria, where it has more speakers than Kanuri in Maiduguri and Fulah in Yola. Hausa is frequently spoken in Niamey, the stronghold of Songhai; as well as in North Benin and, of course, in large city centres in South Nigeria. Today, it is estimated that 50 to 60 million people know this language to various degrees. Several newspapers and many books are written in Hausa and many radio stations (African and international) broadcast in this language (BBC World Service, Voice of America, Deutsche Welle, China Radio International, Radio Moscow and RFI). Furthermore, the Hausa video industry is flourishing. It produces more than 1,000 films annually, and Hausa film stars generate a lot of excitement from Kano to Niamey, and from Maiduguri to Lagos.