
Cape Verde: Opposition wins power after 15 years

Benin, Congo, Niger – following a series of presidential elections on the African continent, the Cape Verdean parliamentary elections passed almost unnoticed. However, the peaceful democratic transition on the Cape Verdean islands is yet another positive example of the Island’s mature democracy. The centre-right Movement for Democracy (MpD), Cape Verde’s main opposition party, led by José Correia e Silva, mayor of the capital city Praia, gained an absolute majority in the 20 March parliamentary elections (53.5% of votes, 38 seats). After 15 years, it took back power from the ruling socialist African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV), which garnered 37.5% of votes (27 seats). The election results confirm the trend from the 2012 municipal elections, in which the opposition party won two additional municipalities. Youth employment, costly infrastructure projects and public resource management in general were among the topics that were debated in the run-up to the elections. With his party now in power in parliament, President Fonseca’s chances of getting re-elected appear stronger. He will run against former Prime Minister Pereira Neves in the presidential election that is scheduled for August 2016.
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